
Prof. Dr. Maria Mutti
Universität Potsdam
Institut für Geowissenschaften
+49 331 977 5812
We offer data interpretation as well as consulting services, with the aim to address a specific question in a sedimentary basin.
Our expertise helps to address petroleum exploration and production issues, spanning from regional exploration to reservoir characterization and development. We contribute to exploration projects by re-interpreting diverse (and also old) data, we can recommend appropriate outcrop or sub-surface analogues and integrate different data sets to produce exploration scenarios and play maps.
We contribute to reservoir characterization by integrating existing data sets and by targeting specific problems with an ad-hoc designed research program. The expertises at the core of our program include facies analysis, stratigraphic interpretation, 3D modelling, petrographic and diagenetic characterization, image analysis of pore systems and petrophysics.
We have a very significant experience with settings of all ages, with a strong focus on carbonate rocks.
Anwendungsbezogene Forschungsthemen
- Wissenschaftliche Datenvisualisierung
- Faziesanalyse und Ablagerungsmodelle
- Sequenzstratigraphische Korrelationen
- Erstellung von 3D-geologischen, stratigraphischen und sedimentologischen Modellen
- Modellierung stratigraphischer und sedimentologischer Prozesse
- Reservoir Charakterisierung
- Petrographie und Diagenese
- Bild-Analyse
Besondere Geräteausstattung
- 3D Visualisierungslabor
- PETREL Infrastruktur
- Forward Modelling Software (DIONISOS u.a.)
- Petrophysikalisches Labor (Messung von Porosität und Permeabilität)
- Optische Mikroskopie
- Kathodolumineszenz
- Quantitative Geländearbeit
- Consulting Service
- Datenintegration and -interpretation
- Trainingskurse
Projektpartner u.a. ExxonMobil, Edison, Eni, Shell, Petrobras, Bayerngas GmbH